
Why should the refrigerant in the car be added frequently


  Car air conditioners generally add refrigerant o […]


Car air conditioners generally add refrigerant once every 2 to 3 years. Some cars have a very big head. Does the refrigerant in the car fly? Why do you need to add it frequently? Does the air conditioner have a sealing device? Air-conditioning refrigeration is a physical reaction and does not require too much loss of refrigerant, how come it is gone. In fact, even if the air conditioner is very tightly sealed, it still cannot withstand the refrigerant flying away, and there is a slight leak in the air conditioner pipeline or condenser. Most of the refrigerant loss is mainly due to leakage. If your car has poor air conditioning and it starts to fail after a period of time after filling the refrigerant, you should pay attention to it.

Generally, this happens, most of it is the rhythm of bloodletting. If the condenser leaks, the condenser needs to be replaced. The method of checking the leak is also more troublesome. Generally, you can find the leak by adding a fluorescent agent to Charging Pipe the fluorine oil and checking it with special glasses. Where! There is a relatively simple method that is suitable when the leakage is serious. You can see through the network that there is oil and humidity on the surface of the condenser. In this case, the condenser is usually leaking.

2. Damaged air conditioner flap

The failure of air conditioner flap motor damage is relatively rare, and it is not unheard of. If there is a problem with the flap motor, it will be troublesome. The flap motor is generally located in the lower part of the instrument panel. It is the main switch of the air-conditioning vent. If it is broken, it means that the switch is broken. Even if the air conditioner can be cooled, the cold air can only pass through the cracks. Drilling out, it means drinking poison to quench thirst. When you find that all the wind does not come out after turning on the air conditioner, you should be careful. Replacing the flap motor requires dismantling the instrument panel, which is a huge project.

3. The condenser is too dirty

In summer, it is often found that the air-conditioning is bad, and there is no problem to check the air-conditioning system. The high and low pressure are basically normal. When going to the 4s shop to repair the car, the owner will often recommend the owner to do a water tank cleaning activity. The purpose of cleaning the water tank and the condenser is mainly to dissipate heat. If poplar catkins and catkins stick to the condenser in the spring, it will cause the engine temperature to be too high or the air conditioner to be poor. Therefore, every time the spring is over, car owners must check whether the water tank is on. There was a lot of hairy. When cleaning, be sure to blow clean with a blow gun first, and then clean with a water gun. Otherwise, it will be counterproductive, not only bad fuel consumption of the air conditioner will increase.

4. The air conditioner compressor, throttle valve or expansion valve is damaged

There is a phrase in the air conditioner compressor circle called "low pressure is high, high pressure is low, and the compressor must be replaced." The probability of damage to the air-conditioning compressor is small, so don't worry too much. As for the failure of the expansion valve and throttle valve, it directly leads to poor air conditioning. These inspections are cumbersome and need to be repaired at a professional 4S shop.

5. The belt is aging too loose

I checked all the equipment of the air conditioner and found that there was no problem. Then what went wrong. In fact, the belt is also a relatively neglected component. Generally, the 4s shop will remind you to replace the belt during maintenance. If it is not replaced, it will slip during the use project, which will cause the belt to break, abnormal belt noise, no power assistance, poor air conditioning, etc. . Therefore, it is necessary to check the engine belt.

I checked all the equipment of the air conditioner and found that there was no problem. Then what went wrong. In fact, the belt is also a relatively neglected component. Generally, the 4s shop will remind you to replace the belt during maintenance. If it is not replaced, it will slip during the use project, which will cause the belt to break, abnormal belt noise, no power assistance, poor air conditioning, etc. .

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