
  • Why do refrigerants remove moisture and air from the refrigeration system

    Why do refrigerants remove moisture and air from the refrigeration system

    Refrigerant is the working medium in the refrigerator. It is called refrigerant or refrigerant. It circulates in the refrigeration system. In the circulation flow, the refrigeration exchanges energy with the outside world through the change of its own thermal state, so as to achieve control. Refrige... read more

    Jul 16,2020 News
  • why the refrigerant charge is a key part of designing cooling systems

    why the refrigerant charge is a key part of designing cooling systems

    Optimizing refrigerant charge has always been a key part of designing cooling systems and balancing their efficiency, reliability, performance, and cost. But recently, that balance has shifted, and refrigeration engineers are once again looking at refrigerant as a key piece of the puzzle. There are ... read more

    Jul 07,2020 News
  • How to Properly Evacuate Refrigerant

    How to Properly Evacuate Refrigerant

    Evacuation is often called “vacuum” or “pulling a vacuum,” and it’s one of the most important parts of the HVACR installation and repair process where the refrigerant circuit is involved. Our goal should be to keep the closed refrigeration circuit clean, dry, and tight — just like I was taught since... read more

    Jul 01,2020 News
  • why would reducing refrigerant make systems safer

    why would reducing refrigerant make systems safer

    Refrigerant costs seem unlikely to fall in the near future. Supplies of traditional refrigerants are being reduced, and new alternatives being developed will likely carry the price premium that comes with having limited suppliers and competition. But it is not only the increase in prices that is an ... read more

    Jun 19,2020 News
  • Why do we need to evacuate an air conditioning system or a refrigeration system

    Why do we need to evacuate an air conditioning system or a refrigeration system

    Why do we need to evacuate an air conditioning system or a refrigeration system? All the refrigeration system are designed to run without moisture and non-condensable gases else it may not work as designed and is likely to fail prematurely. Presence of moisture in the air conditioning system may lea... read more

    Jun 13,2020 News
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